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Josephine, I am 61 and have been self-employed since I was 25. I quit my job when I realized I didn't agree with the world's measurement of "success." To me, the ideal situation was one where I had the flexibility to be present to my children (who were still 4 years away from arriving, btw!). I was into work/life balance before it was a thing. Since then, I have found one of the most important factors in my job has been to remain challenged. I LOVE getting there but hate being there. I was talking last night with two high school seniors pondering college and while they are trying to answer the question, "What do I want to do for work?" (and therefore determine which college to attend) I encouraged them to think differently and create the work environment most desirable to them. Kudos to you for taking the leap. I think what you will find is that while you thought it was a cliff you just jumped off, it was only a ledge. You might land with a "thud" but you'll soon get up, dust yourself off, and look around at your options. Follow Steve Jobs' advice closely. Doing what you love to do is a critical factor in your overall happiness.



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